About Honolulu Jazz Scene

Honolulu Jazz Scene lists all the live jazz events happening in Honolulu. The event listings are maintained by the artists themselves, and no money changes hands for the listings. It is entirely a free service to the artist and audience communities, and is 100% non-commercial.

Honolulu Jazz Scene was originally conceived by Clay Freeman, a lover of all thinks jazz-related, and a resident of Honolulu.

Clay passed away in 2009, and after a hiatus of a few months, Dan Freedman, a honolulu-based jazz pianist decided that live jazz in Honolulu deserved its own voice.

After re-vamping the look and feel of the web site completely, the new Honolulu Jazz Scene was born in July 2009.

As of April 2010, the site is accessed approximately once every 54 seconds, or about 1600 times per day. Although some of those page views are from search engine 'bots that visit the site, a lot of them are from real live people who are looking for information about where to go tonight for live jazz.

If you would like to list your events at HJS, login or register a new account, and then hit the "Submit a Listing" button. It's very easy to do, and repeating gigs are just as easy.


Dan Freedman

Dancin' Dave Productions
Buy Dean Taba's latest CD at CDBaby
The Berklee College of Music, online division
Sentimental Swing - Duane Padilla
Dave Swanson
Gabe Baltazar - An Autobiography

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